Sunday, April 28, 2019

1th time I dug a hole and stuck my mouth innit

my hobbies include eavesdropping and righteousness also habitually overextending my time and then having a total grown lady fit of emotional immaturity. But otherwise am a real fun house we should def hang out.

Saturday, April 13, 2019


Tried momming away from home today in hopes that would make it more enjoyable but as it turns out wherever we go, there we are lol I'm not a quitter but I'd sure like to be. This moment of honesty brought to you by blue dream and a coconut lacroix.

Monday, April 08, 2019

comatose commodity

There are some people who you can just tell they meditate and they're totally getting it right cause like they are genuine extraterrestrial super listeners now who posses calming abilities and they know things only calm quiet people can know and they are all humble confident and shit. It's fucking hot. I'm totally having transference issues lol. People should not listen to me like that because I will totally misunderstand that for love and I will probably get a boner and think about them all week long. Haha damn my life is sad.