Saturday, December 25, 2004

God Bless Ye Merry Visa!

This has been one of the best days of my life and I am still glowing--I got my VERY FIRST credit card today!! So Very Happy!

I was here all alone and got so worked up over it I just had to call someone, and my dad was the first one to answer. He's sure I must be retarded by the way I was acting, I was so excited, yelling into the phone and talking so fast. I have been telling people about it all day long! Shameful, I know, but I can't be caught up in the shame when it's still so damn exciting!

extra late now and since I am finally finished with all the bloody gift wrapping, I am off to sleep.

Wishing you all a
Merry Christmas...Praying I will find the strength to withstand the dreaded family gathering somewhere in that pile of presents...

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