Monday, November 07, 2005

I'm fighting the urge to be petty right now and I can totally see why I don't do this often cos it really fucking sucks.

and this is a newt.


Anonymous said...

so thats what an eye of newt looks like... LOL

Danielle said...

awwwww:X Carrie, that's so fuckin' cute! Did you take that pic? :-O are those tapeworm's hands? I see tickles hands! heheeee :">

Petty bitch. :P

Danielle said...

He looks like E.T. :X but so fuckin' cuter!

jane said...

omgosh carrie, that is so so cute! i hope you know you totally rock!

dan said...

Don't his forearms seem kinda out of proportion, like that newt has been hitting the gym regularly...

Maybe some reverse curls or something?

carrie said...

positronic- haha..yer my favorite rappers favorite rapper

laurie- I think 3:39a might be the only time you can write poetry :p

craig- thats probably one of those things that should make sense to me but doesn't

danielle- no those arent his hands and not my photography; I found the pic. those hands look like they belong to some old guy whos spent his whole life fishing or something industrious. in fact those look just like my dads hands.
being petty on the internet just isn't fun like being petty in real life damnit. OMG he does look like ET!

xor444- I've actually never seen a newt thats why I'm all "whoa" about it. hes just so fuckin cute like danielle said.

jane- isn't he?!! thanks jane :D

dan- HAHAHAH!! OMG hes like a little popeye newt!