Sunday, January 01, 2006

gag on my cock ass sex

tapeworm drank like half a bottle of sauza last night and started accusing me of stealing things. even tho we live together. I threatened to push him off the balcony and right after that I heard the neighbors downstairs on their balcony go shhhhhhhhh and I pretty much spent the rest of the morning waiting for the cops to knock on the door.

I woke up around 3p in the middle of a dream that some people I didn't know were driving me to the house my sister killed herself in and I think I was trying to cry but I just ended up waking myself up cos I was breathing extra loud and making weird throat noises.

I've been thinking I want to cut my own hair even tho I know I'll do a shitty job and probably seriously fuck it up but I dont like to make reservations because I dont want to have to deal with the anxiety of trying to be somewhere at a specific time.


Danielle said...

well carrie, at least your other half didn't look like E.T. spawled out in the middle of the fucking road

mojotek said...

I've cut my own hair since I was 15... and it's not that hard. You just need a set of those "tri-fold" mirrors to use so you can see the back of your head well enough.

Nicole said...

So the fear of missing your scheduled appointment is greater than the result of a botched haircut? Wow, you've got gonads I don't possess!

Nick said...

Cut it. Then you can post the before and after and we can do a sort of hot or not type thingy...

carrie said...

danielle- no, I didnt push.

mojotek- my apartment only has single mirrors :(

nicole- its not so much a fear of missing the appointment. its more like a severe inconvenience. punctuality is not a strong point for me.

nick- I'll keep that idea in mind. thank you.