Sunday, July 09, 2006

dirty carrie

ugh I have to post something new cos I am tired of seeing that dude's sack at the bottom of my page.

I have done basically nothing this entire week except play video games and touch myself a lot.
..holy retard I'm turning into a teenage boy????

um speaking of teenage boys I have spent pretty much all day talking to a 16 year old and by talking I mean breaking the law.

when I was like 5 me and my best friend jake used to dig for worms in my backyard and if we couldn't find enough I cut em in half with my playdoh knife so I could share with him :)

but the nastiness is that I know I've put these in my mouth D:


dan said...

Hey! I played video games this week too. What a coincidence!

carrie said...

omg maybe we're twins!

Anonymous said...

Play-Doh knife?? That's gotta be a painful worm death!

carrie said...


carrie said...

thank you, martin :D