Thursday, August 10, 2006

I have not breasts, but creamy white rape invitations!!!!

tapeworm and I met one of his friends for drinks and some woman just invited herself to sit with us and started talking to me about how she had just spent all day driving here and she was a masseuse and she thought I looked like I "needed her" and decided not to ask if i minded her fondling my backside.
I was really trying to be okay about that cos she was drunk and also a professional (???) but then she started kissing the back of my neck and tapeworms friend (who had never met me before) was looking at me like i had invited this dyke freakshow over here to molest me in public. anyhow I felt completely helpless and like anything i said was gonna be a hate crime and i had probably incited all of this by even owning a vagina.


Anonymous said...

Hehe... somebody might say something about you freakish lesbian magnetism, but then again, somebody might get a verbal kick in the head.

So maybe somebody won't.

Anonymous said...

I didn't know a woman could "own" their vagina. I just kinda thought we had custody of them.

Pause said...

Sweet carrie in spontanious lezbo action!

dan said...

This old lady started talking to me in a DQ once about her grandkids.

I could probably hook you up if you're interested.

Raymi Lauren said...

dude you just described my dream except it was kim cattrall in the shower and i really wanted it??

Mike said...


TEN33GIRL said...

most disturbing about this entire post... the pic. That cow has evil in his eyes....

Unknown said...

Eww. Weird. Drunk or not, no means no.

Anonymous said...

Except the times when 'no' means 'yes'. Which are also the times when 'maybe' means 'yes'.

And 'yes' means 'in the butt, please'.

Somebody needs to pay more attention when watching his pr0n.