Tuesday, February 08, 2005


Sacred Heart G Dub

I am what some of you dumbshits might refer to as a "Liberal".

I guess if you're an Archaic hillbilly, that's a dirty, dirty word.

If you are unfamiliar with the REAL meaning of being liberal or conservative, please click either word for clarity.

Some of those "reds" have been making suggestions that "us liberals" need to move to a more suitable country to express our fear inducing views on change.

After all, the definition of a conservative is one who fears change.

I guess they don't realize the US is a (uh-oh) liberal country.
As is Canada and GB.

Perhaps they would be better suited in another region. Maybe the UK?


Ethereal Darkness said...

That is.... HILARIOUS. wait... I forgot what was going on...

carrie said...

Thank you