Tuesday, February 22, 2005

I was gonna leave this alone, but that's just not my style.

This guy is a BlogNazi.

If you've had the misfortune of reading my tasteless blog in the last week, it's possible you've already read this post.

He's got a new 23 year old target. I guess I'm not so special.

Somebody tell me when it became cool to brag your intelligence over the net? And by singling out girls half your age, dedicating blogposts to ridiculing them and encouraging others to join in?

I am no blog saint. I've left a few icky comments here and there when I felt it was warranted.
But I stopped before I felt like I needed to copy and paste the nastiness up here and pat myself on the back over it.

I may think you're a cunt, but I'm not gonna say it here.
And link to you.
Like this.
That's what comments are for.


Tickles_Tapeworm said...

posting about them isnt such a bad idea, but hate mail isnt a good one. i wouldn't encourage that at all. I think what you said on his blog was sufficient, and then some. What can you expect when you trash other people blogs anyway?

(By the way, he did all that of his own free will. what can i say? The youth of America are pretty passionate. :) some folks are pretty extreme in expressing their opinions.)

carrie said...

It would seem the "in" thing to do.

Critical Darling said...

Yes, they're completely deluded as to the level of their own intelligence, but the problem with posting an evaluation of them is it wouldn't achieve anything. That's the thing about people who would date themselves if they could, they can't see past their own noses.

And you know, there are a lot of people with misconceptions about politics...some are left some are right. Both are scary. So, what do we do? Educate or merely laugh at and claim superiority over?

carrie said...

Because as a student, I think an 18 year old college freshman would have better things to do with his time. Furthermore, I don't think this guy has seen a day of psychology class.

I think this guy is classically middle aged. He's in a cubicle somewhere, he's really unsatisfied with his life, and he's going to carry out his role as blognazi right there on company time.

The absurd thing is that he really thinks he's a decent person.

SC&A said...

THINK, people, THINK.

It is interesting that you choose to criticize me- I don't care- but what is more interesting is that you can't seem to fault my logic and critique me on that- or that of any one else who criticizes Abigail's stupidity.

Ethereal, that is very intelleigent- publicly admitting that you wish tp send hate mail.

As to tickles, we respect your opinions.

Carrie, we asked about 'zayin.' Coming from an intellectual 'zonah,' (and a cheap one at that) we expect no less.

Critical, expand on you thoughts. What the hell are you trying say- or did you just want to hear your own voice?

Abigail, quit your bitching and deal with the critique- not that you can, but hey, at least pretend you're not an idiot.

More brilliance, indeed.

Tickles_Tapeworm said...

We've all seen South Park: The Movie, correct?

Cartman said it best...

"You're a fvckin' fagg0t, dude."

carrie said...

Uh, yeah.

What the fuck, dude? I have NO IDEA what you're talking about.

So fuck "Hugh". (Thank you Mr. Larry David)

Unless you're agreeing with me. Then, of course, you're cool.

M. said...

Seems that SC&A has also decided that I'm an idiot (and in his comments he has called many of my friends and other bloggers who stood up for me stupid also). Perhaps the three of us should start a club.
