This has somehow come about, TheDub and I have been discussing regions of the United States and I guess I never put enough thought into why there's no word for the states in the middle of the country.
It's all called "MidWest" even if it's NOT in the middle western part. WTF?? Why doesn't anyone call Illinois "MidEast" or Minnesota "MidNorth" etc.?
And why does Texas not consider itself part of the South? That was news to me, but then I heard someone on tv say it yesterday, and so I know it must be true.
Same show also gave the impression the real South (i.e.: Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, get it) doesn't consider Texas a member either. It's baffling.
Here's Texas, smack in the middle of the southern part of the country, yet they aren't the South? Why are residents of the "SouthEast" the only real Southerners?
So I wrote all this shit then I searched for a map of the US to post here as a visual aid, and came across this census regions map. I guess it's ever so slightly better than the way I am used to seeing it divided, but there is still that whole MidWEST thing... Why not just Central? I mean look how fucking small the East part of the country is. Almost half of the Midwest needs to be considered East. Then look at the whopping undefined West... Something is wrong here, folks.
Damn it. I need defined boundaries here. This is unsettling.
Well, I guess what we can do is take over the United States and devide up the land between you me and The Dub and a bunch of others. We could probably govern the land better than the fuckheads in charge now.
Maybe you guys could be a couple of kick ass dukes, or something ;)
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