Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Perhaps A Change of Heart

I am none too impressed with "BC" now, I apologize for my over-enthused posting in such credit-crazed haste.
I am seriously irritated because the little images don't even show up until your wait time is over and if that wasn't reason enough, I am seeing them same irritatingly conservative blogs OVER AND OVER again and I can't even skip them!! That or I am retarded and doing it all wrong. I wouldn't discount the likeliness of that, either.
I dunno, guys, try for yourselves, but I think I will stick with good ole BE. That doesn't go to say that I'm not still using it right now...


ella m. said...

this is ella m. again :)
To clarify based on the comment you left on

That blog addy is entirely belongs to sublteaze/Nicole. I am only listed as a team member so I can edit settings, when she needs me to do template changes or code.

My (ella m.) blog is http:// I do the actual writing oh this page (Titled Occasionally Glamourous Results Of A Misused Youth) , which I do not do on anti girl next door. kudos for anti girl next door belong fimly to nicole.

feel free to visit either of of us anytime

Lou Lou said...

trying today...not impressed so far

Driac1 said...

Try a comparison of BE against BC. While waiting endlessly for BC to load pages with heaps of photos (not on broadband - so it can take a long long time), I happily surfed (and read) three or four sites on BE. I'm looking at 3-4 sites on BE for every site on BC.
But with both starting to recognise the same ole sites. Just to see some different sites I've taked to using "Next Blog" on blogger's header. Have found some fab site's this way. Cheers