Monday, September 19, 2005

my mammal sauce is the best mammal sauce

my uncle loaned his car to a homeless junkie who ended up crashing it into a bus. and now they live together.

I think my aunt is dead. no one has seen or heard from her in over 4 months and no one seems concerned with that but me.

taya and I went to a party at this dude eugenes house that we had art class with in highschool and eugene was like "taya, can I ask why you're not wearing any pants?" but she was wearing pants tho.

I was supposed to go to their house for new years eve and meet some guy called righteous john who was like his dad and his mom and sister who he said don't like white people but I got the flu and cancelled on him and he wont talk to me anymore cos he thinks I made that up to get out of it.

instead I laid around on my couch all sickly until some scumbag friend of my dads came over with his ratty ass throw away kids and the second I got up to use the bathroom they took over my couch and I came out all "what the fuck" when they didn't get up and they straight up ignored me, yo.
I had to sit on the fucking arm of my own goddamn couch with the flu and listen to his 8 year old daughter compulsively clear her throat for 6 hours.

ehmhrm. ahehm. erhrmh. hehrm. aherhm. hrehghermh. eherhm.


Miss Krys said...

No way did a homeless dude really do that to your uncle's car?!?

carrie said...

krys- thats what my grandpa said.

veggie- yeah, I hired him for the word verification. its temporary until he gets back on his feet.
kids suck. hopefully I'm wrong about my aunt, but thank you.

xor444- I've never really seen that show but I dig beer.

danielle- no, thats 2 separate incidents. ugh..I can't begin to tell you how much it sucked to live with my parents. I went to jail a lot for doing shit just like that.

thomas- kids should be ground into dog food :)

jane said...

phlegm. ick!