Monday, August 29, 2005

"ya hungry, girl?"

it is not cute to post entire flickr accounts of your double chin. seriously. but I wouldn't expect you to know that.
after all, I'd be surprised if you could see anything around that thing growing off your face (god, I hope it's malignant).
at first I was puzzled as to how a water buffalo like yourself got such an ego, but then I noticed that you surround yourself with nothing but dateless middle aged horse-faced bitches and you were the only one who'd managed to trick a man into marrying you.
I realize you don't have any children of your own to abuse and thats probably why you try to throw your (immense) weight around in any way you can with perfect strangers.

a suggestion if I might:
next time you're having a bad day, try running stairs instead of your mouth.

fuck you oprah ;)


Pause said...

You complimenting a friend of yours?

jane said...


Carrie, go on my blog & take the pulp fiction test pleaseeeee. i want to see what character you'd be. i'm the psychotic nut, honey bunny. no surprise there.

Anonymous said...

Like I said before... I'd marry that slut.

C'mon... I shouldn't have to repeat myself :)

Damn hackers...

carrie said...

I think "steadman" may have beat you to it :(

...or maybe it was dave chappelle.