Mike Neil: Why hello
talk_to_carrie: hey
Mike Neil: So whos cooler then being cool?
talk_to_carrie: uh..me?
Mike Neil: yup
Mike Neil: you are really smart!
talk_to_carrie: I try
talk_to_carrie: so whered you find me?
Mike Neil: on a hotel room floor vomitting?
talk_to_carrie: I think you got the wrong ho
Mike Neil: ho?
Mike Neil: Thats a very bad way to see women
talk_to_carrie: so's on the floor vomitting...
Mike Neil: you should have your mouth washed out with soap
talk_to_carrie: uh, no thanks
Mike Neil: yeah, i'd pass on that too
talk_to_carrie: instinct
Mike Neil: you watching prison break tonight?
talk_to_carrie: I don't watch tv
talk_to_carrie: I havent watched in at least 6 months. I have no clue whats going on in the world
Mike Neil: I find TV helps shut out the voices in my head telling me to do evil things
Mike Neil: such as clean the restroom, do my laundry
talk_to_carrie: heh..yeah, the internet works in similar ways for me
Mike Neil: I know you haven't been watching tv, did you hear how Castro has declared war on Sweden?
talk_to_carrie: uh, whos castro?
talk_to_carrie: whats sweden?
Mike Neil: Dictator of Cuba
Mike Neil: Sweden = country that hides nazi gold
talk_to_carrie: I thought cuba was an actor
Mike Neil: nah Cuba is a country Bush would like to forget about
talk_to_carrie: hmmm...funny, cos I'd like to forget about bush
Mike Neil: yeah he is a big moron who was given the all day lunch pass to the playground of life
talk_to_carrie: yeah his father was better. slightly.
Mike Neil: yeah, I wonder if his father's father could actually talk without someone having written what he said before hand
talk_to_carrie: well, they are from the south.
Mike Neil: that figures
Mike Neil: so, what are your plans for tonight?
talk_to_carrie: hmmm....I think I might smoke a few bongloads, take a shower, eat some pasta maybe play some hulk and crash out when the urge strikes
talk_to_carrie: busy day, y'know
Mike Neil: yeah
Mike Neil: as much as you hate bush, you are following in his footsteps
talk_to_carrie: oh yeah?
talk_to_carrie: then I guess Im set
Mike Neil: using drugs, loafing around, not doing anything productive
talk_to_carrie: but I'll be president some day, so whats to bitch about?
Mike Neil: not really, women can't rise to presidency
talk_to_carrie: right, I should prolly be baking some pie right now
Mike Neil: its a proven fact, watch hillary become a victem of a shooter from the grass nole
Mike Neil: what kind of pie?
talk_to_carrie: pecan
talk_to_carrie: or blueberry
Mike Neil: why should you be making it?
Mike Neil: having a bake sale?
talk_to_carrie: its womanly, y'know
talk_to_carrie: nope, just eating it all like a housewife
talk_to_carrie: thats what we're good for
Mike Neil: well, the good question is what does your man want you to make?
talk_to_carrie: he doesnt care, so long as I'm on my knees
Mike Neil: ha
Mike Neil: this has all gotten too silly
talk_to_carrie: too silly?
talk_to_carrie: is there such a thing as too silly?
talk_to_carrie: I dont think we've gotten silly enough..
Mike Neil: yeah a grown man when wears clown shoes to bed, now thats silly
talk_to_carrie: haha I got this crazy email about some guy who fucks his sister.
talk_to_carrie: they think I'm upset about it
talk_to_carrie: can you believe that?
talk_to_carrie: why would I care if you wanna fuck your sister?
Mike Neil: I don't have a sister
talk_to_carrie: I mean, we can still be friends
talk_to_carrie: I dont have a sister either
Mike Neil: what the hell are you talking about
Mike Neil: ?
talk_to_carrie: an email. what are you talking about?
Mike Neil: So, you got some strange email?
talk_to_carrie: yeah.
talk_to_carrie: from a guy named who goes by pappy. weird, huh?
talk_to_carrie: oops
talk_to_carrie: you know what i meant, huh?
Mike Neil: you are one crazy mofo
talk_to_carrie: whoa...really?
talk_to_carrie: so whered you find me?
Mike Neil: blogexplosion
talk_to_carrie: aha..
talk_to_carrie: whats yer blog?
Mike Neil: http://ocdfinds.blogspot.com/
talk_to_carrie: oh okay, I've read your stuff before
talk_to_carrie: interesting notes
Mike Neil: thanks
talk_to_carrie: you go by an alias, huh?
talk_to_carrie: or did you just link me to someone elses blog?
Mike Neil: Alias, the tv show?
talk_to_carrie: uh, alias, your fake name
talk_to_carrie: remember, I don't do tv
Mike Neil: oh yeah
Mike Neil: Well its all fake on the internet
talk_to_carrie: uh...
Mike Neil: even the orgasms in porn
talk_to_carrie: wouldn't know about that
Mike Neil: I figured
talk_to_carrie: so whats yer real blog?
Mike Neil: http://thedebtdefier.blogspot.com/
talk_to_carrie: look, its not like I've got real important shit to do, but youre just wasting my time
Mike Neil: okay
Mike Neil: my real site is here: http://birdparty.blogspot.com/
talk_to_carrie: nice talking to ya
mikeMike Neil: mike?